
Current projects

Visit Umeå is right now working on three major ongoing projects to strengthen the tourism industry in the Umeå region. 

Sustainable trail development in the Umeå region

Umeå municipality is the project owner for a collaborative project between the municipalities of Umeå, Vindeln, Robertsfors, Vännäs and Bjurholm. The project is called "Sustainable trail development in the Umeå region" and covers approximately SEK 4.7 million. The support intends to develop infrastructure for hiking trails. Support from the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 is partly financed by money from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
The aim of the project Sustainable trail development in the Umeå region is to: Get a collective grip on the trails in the Umeå region that are considered to have the greatest potential to develop and secure long-term sustainability through efforts that favor and strengthen the development of the local business community. That the parties in the project together create a network of safe, secure, good quality paths and thus become a hiking and cycling destination. The cooperation takes place between the municipalities of Umeå, Vindeln, Robertsfors, Vännäs and Bjurholm.

The goal of the project is to: Develop trails for hiking and MTB in accordance with the national framework and based on experiences and recommendations from leading MTB destinations. The project will physically improve the trails with the greatest natural and outdoor values ​​and potential for tourism with substructures, spans, bridges, signage, facilities (toilet, windbreaks) and make it easy for residents and visitors to find the trails and get information about them through information boards and signage. All in all, these are improvement measures of around 335 kilometres. The steps in the project are; Tavelsjöleden (Umeå municipality), trails in the nature reserve Strömbäck-Kont (Umeå municipality), Ume Älvdal trail (Umeå municipality), trails in Holmsund (Väster-långslädans trail, Holmsundsleden) (Umeå municipality), Grössjön (Umeå municipality), Öreälvsleden (Bjurholms municipality), Tvåälvsleden (Vindel municipality), Rödåleden (Vindeln municipality), Isälvsleden (Vindeln municipality), Flottarstigen (Robertsfors municipality), Vännforsleden and Långforsen's hiking area (Vännäs municipality).

Project period: 2023-2024
Funding: 4.7 million

Read more about the investment in a joint press release HERE (only available in swedish)

Contact and more information
Johanna Palmlöf Brus, Destination developer Umeå region
+46 70 615 40 33, [email protected]

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Västerbotten Sweden

Västerbotten's three destination organizations Visit Umeå, Visit Skellefteå and Gold of Lapland, together with the regional organization Region Västerbotten Turism, have applied for and been granted funding in the collaboration project Västerbotten Sweden. It is the first joint, county-wide, project ever within the county's hospitality industry where all the county's municipalities are involved. Through the project, hospitality companies will get closer to each other, gain exposure and strengthen their knowledge of exports. The place brand Västerbotten Sweden must work with and for companies with quality-assured, attractive and more sustainable experiences. This creates a uniform and attractive range that is primarily aimed at international guests.

Project period: 2023-2025
Financing: SEK 30 million

Read more about the investment in a joint press release HERE (only available in swedish)

Contact and more information
Karl Frykholm, Project manager Västerbotten Sweden,

+46 70 647 62 02, [email protected]

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Bothnian Coastal Route

The Bothnian Coastal Route project aims to increase awareness of the coastal route across the Kvarken and around the Gulf of Bothnia as an attractive travel route for both foreign visitors and the local population. Through the project, the aim is to increase the reasons to visit the destinations along the route to discover their rich product range and at the same time create better conditions for sustainable growth. The granted funding involves an extensive collaboration between three Swedish and four Finnish organizations where they come together as project partners in a three-year Interreg Aurora project starting from January 2023.

Project period: 2023-2025
Financing: SEK 30 million

Read more about the investment HERE 

Contact and more information
Erja Back, Project manager Bothnian Coastal Route
070-647 62 78, [email protected]

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