Take a day trip to a museum!

Holmön sommar

Museums to visit this summer

Take the ferry to Holmön or Norrbyskär. Learn more about one of the best-preserved ironworks in Sweden, the county's history or about aviation and engine history.
Tips on museums to visit in the Umeå region this summer!

Gammlia friluftsområde

Gammlia friluftsmuseum

The open-air museum Gammlia is a piece of Västerbotten and depicts the county's history.  There is about 30 historic buildings in the area, open with activities every week during the summer. The open-air museum is part of Västerbotten's museum. Walking distance from Umeå city center.


Norrbyskärs museum

Cultural history mixed with arts and crafts at the museum, which also offers guided tours. For the children there is ”Lilla Norrbyskär”, an educational play environment with miniatures of buildings from the island will be closed in the summer of 2024.  A café and craft sop are located at the museum. Ferry from Norrbyn several times a day during the summer. 

Holmöns båtmuseum 2

Holmöns båtmuseum

At the boat museum you can learn more about the history of the island and the people who have lived and worked here, as well as the flora, fauna and heritage of the entire archipelago. Many well-preserved historic boats are on display. The magnificent scenery is easily experienced by bicycle which can be rented on the island. The summer's art exhibition Händelser i stillheten with last year's residents at Stora Fjäderägg: Marie Isaksson, Trollhättan, graphics and enamel and Hjalmar Åberg, Östersund, wood sculpto, runs until August 18. There is also a café, restaurant and general store on the island. 

Vännäs motormuseum

Vännäs motormuseum

At the museum you will find information about the history of aviation and engines from the 1900s in an old cultural environment. The museum displays cars, motorcycles, mopeds, airplanes, boat engines, chainsaws and tractors. A complete GULF gas station from the 60s is also available at the museum. 

Olofsfors bruk

Olofsfors Bruksmuseum

One of Sweden's most genuine and well-preserved ironworks environments, dating back to 1762.  In the area there are several established craftsmen in ceramics, forging, watchmaking and others. At Galleri Eleonora in the barn, art exhibitions are shown throughout the summer. Guided tours can be booked all year round. The area has a café, restaurant, conference business, shop, stage and accommodation. 

Robertsfors bruksmuseum

Robertsfors Bruksmuseum

Ironworks Museum and ironworks railway .The museum shows the growth of industrialism from 1758 until the middle of the 20th century and how the small farming village of Edfastmark on the Rickleån river became Robertsfors ironworks. Activity park for children. There is also a café at the museum.