We care about those who live in our city and those who visit us. That is why we prioritize health, safety and security especially during these challenging times. Due to the pandemic and Covid-19, caused by the coronavirus, Umeå’s meeting venues, hotels, restaurants, and shops have taken several measures to prevent the spread of the infection.

Meeting venues’ further efforts for safe and secure meetings:

  • Clear information orally as well as written information at strategically locations

  • In places where crowds may occur, venues have refurnished, and floor markings have been
    placed to clarify how physical distance is maintained 

  • Extended and regular cleaning of areas and often touched surfaces

  • Lunch and coffee breaks are adapted to enable physical distance for all participants, as well as different groups are arranged to be able to keep distance to each other, for example by scheduling breaks to different times

Handhygien. Pixabay


Hotels’ further efforts for safe and secure meetings:

  • Reinforced routines for cleaning hotel rooms, extended regular cleaning of areas that are
    often visited and touched

  • Staff are avoiding physical contact with both colleagues and guests

  • Cancellation policies are adjusted and more generous

Restaurants’ further efforts for safe and secure meetings:

  • Fewer tables and seats to enable an increased distance between companies and to lower risk for crowded passages

  • Table service and payment by the table is applied as far as possible to avoid crowds and queuing 

  • Take-away and home is offered by most actors to increase availability for risk groups and for those who do not wish to spend longer periods in public areas



We are and want to be as available and open for you as possible. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information or clarification.  

Safely and securely welcome to Umeå!