Statistics, reports and strategies

Presented below are figures and statistics from the hospitality industry, reports and Visit Umeå's business strategy and annual report.

Statistics - guest nights in Umeå, Umeåregionen, Västerbotten and Sweden

The hospitality industry is a mix of many different industries and operations which makes it challenging to define and measure the industry as a whole with its activity and effects. One thing that can be measured is guest nights. One guest night is an overnight stay bought at a commercial accommodation facility. Accommodation facilities are to report each month to the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), number of guest nights and from which countries the guests are from. SCB, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and BI South have prduced a function where everyone can access all major parts of guest nights reports in Sweden. This is based on cooperation between Sweden's regional tourism organizations. Read more about guest nights here (in Swedish)


Tourism and hospitality industry post-corona pandemic - a current situation and scenario analysis

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth's report contributes to increased knowledge on how our industry has been affected during the corona crisis, and includes an analysis of possible development scenarios, pointing to what it will take to keep Swedish tourism competitive. 
Read the report here (in Swedish)


Visit Sweden

Current and ongoing external monitoring and knowledge on Sweden's best travellers and the target group "The global traveller". Read more here (in Swedish)

Visit Umeå's Annual Report 2023 

A summary of the year through events and activities related to our work. The information in the annual report is only in Swedish. Read more here (in Swedish).