Meetings - Make sustainable choices


Below you will find four ways to make better choices when it comes to your meeting.
Choose sustainable options when it comes to premises, food, travel, accommodation.
See also our checklist with tips regarding sustainable meetings.


More and more visitors are looking for sustainable accommodation options. Many facilities in the Umeå region have understood that a more ecologically sustainable business model can result in increased profitability, competitive advantages and increased attractiveness among visitors.

Find the right accommodation for your meeting



Umeå Folkets Hus


Meeting venues

In Umeå, there are plenty of facilities and premises that are suitable for smaller as well as larger groups. We want to encourage you to choose environmentally certified and sustainable alternatives.

Find the venue that suits your meeting




Umeå is strategically located in Northern Sweden, which is proven by the well-functioning infrastructure and availability of the city.

Find out more!

Norrtåg Umeå

Mötesbild stor. Philip Avesand

Checklist Sustainable meetings 

In Umeå there is a solid base of good basic conditions for sustainable meetings. However, it's your conscious choices as a meeting organizer that can make a difference and will improve your meeting from a sustainability aspect.

Our best tips